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Beating all odds, 101 year old patient Underwent Successful Pacemaker Implantation at Metro Hospital Faridabad

Oct 15, 2019

Beating all odds, 101 year old patient Underwent Successful Pacemaker Implantation at Metro Hospital Faridabad

101 year old patient admitted to the hospital with complaints of giddiness and history of loss of consciousness (also known as a syncope). His investigations showed slow heart rate, diagnosed as Complete Heart Block. It is a degenerative process affecting the wiring system of the heart which leads to slow heart rate resulting in unconsciousness. This can be dangerous as patient can suddenly lose consciousness resulting in sudden fall. There is a high risk of sudden death in these patients. The only treatment available for this condition is the insertion of a small battery-sized device known as the pacemaker.

Dr. Niti Chadha Negi, Electrophysiologist at Metro Hospital counselled the patient’s family and told them that it is a minimally invasive procedure which will improve the patient’s quality of life. After taking consent from the family, patient underwent successful pacemaker implantation.

According to Dr. Niti, patient was very cooperative during the procedure. She says family positivity and excellent CCU level care made a huge difference in the patient outcome. We are ready to discharge the patient on the second day after the pacemaker implant. As a procedure, pacemaker implant needs skill and good intensive care. With the best intensive care facilities available at Metro Hospital, this procedure was possible. This case highlights that in experienced hands, pacemaker implantation procedure can be done at any age, with good outcome.

“Age is not a barrier for the treatment of heart ailments; patient cooperation and excellent medical facilities made it possible for us to treat 101 year old patient, said Dr. Jainendra Khash, CCU Head.

Metro Hospital Faridabad is known for its excellent cardiac care. It represents one of the largest and most modern cardiac care facilities which are affordable and available to all.