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Heart Health & Winter

By Dr. Sanjiv Kumar Gupta in Cardiology

Feb 20, 2023

It is a proven fact that eating a balanced healthy diet and exercising on a regular basis is important for maintaining good heart health. However, did you realise that the winter season may also call for greater caution? Your heart health may be in danger during a steep decrease in the temperatures, especially if you already have a cardiac issue.

During the winter, our hearts become more vulnerable. Your heart rate or Blood Pressure (BP) may rise in the cold. Additionally, your heart may have to work harder to pump blood. Heart disease and stroke-related fatalities among humans are more common in the winter. According to studies, heart attacks are more deadly in the winter compared to the summer season.

What impact does Winter have on Heart Health?

For people with heart disease, winter might become a difficult time. Several alterations in our bodies can occur as a result of a drop in temperature, including:

  • In order to sustain blood flow and keep our body warm, the heart must work twice as hard.
  • Winter also increases a person’s risk of acquiring blood clots.
  • The decreasing temperature may cause blood vessels to contract. It may cause the heart muscles to get less oxygen and nutrients, putting their overall health at threat.
  • Winter months might also see a rise in blood pressure and cholesterol levels. A heart attack may be more likely if your cholesterol and blood pressure are out of control.
  • Additionally, seasonal affective disorder, commonly known as mental stress throughout the winter, can raise stress hormone levels, raising your risk of heart attack or stroke.
Who is at the most risk of heart problems in winter?

It is crucial to remember that persons with pre-existing risk factors, such as smokers, people with high blood pressure, obese people, or those who are already receiving treatment for heart diseases, will be more likely to experience heart attacks or strokes. The majority of cardiologists believe that persons who are older, routinely drink or smoke, and who do not engage in regular exercise are most at risk. These individuals may be able to minimize their risk of having a heart attack in the winter by minimizing their exposure to colder temperatures and maintaining a consistent amount of daily physical exercise.

What heart conditions affect people often in Winter?

During the winter, the following cardiac disorders might affect people with heart disease:

  • Angina – When the heart does not receive enough oxygenated blood, coronary artery disease, which causes Angina, develops. A person may have Angina Pectoris in the winter due to reduced blood flow.
  • Hypothermia –This is a term used to describe a medical condition when the body loses heat more quickly than it can produce. The body temperature drops below the usual range, or 98.6 F, when someone is hypothermic. The body temperature of hypothermia sufferers drops below 95F.
  • Heart Attack –As the blood flow reduces in the winter season, the chances of heart attack or Myocardial Infarction might increase. 
How to take care of your heart in the winter?

The risk of cardiac problems may increase during the winter due to low temperatures, pollution, and other causes. Consider the following steps to maintain your heart’s health:

  • Avoid being outside in the cold as much as you can. When you go outside, dress warmly, keep your hands and head covered, and put on warm socks and shoes.
  • Be physically active. Exercise on a regular basis maintains your body warm and keeps you in shape.
  • Consume seasonal fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and other components of a balanced diet.
  • Keep a watchful eye on medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney, and vascular issues.
  • Don’t exert too much energy. If you have heart disease, try to stay away from intense activity and take short breaks between tasks to relax.
  • Refrain from using alcohol excessively and quit smoking.

Your heart may have a difficult time in the cold weather. But if you lead a healthy lifestyle, you may encourage your heart to savour this wonderful season. Additionally, do not disregard any symptoms and call your doctor right away. A delayed diagnosis or course of treatment may be lethal or raise the possibility of complications.