Eating right for a healthy life
By in
Feb 10, 2022
Few suggestions which we easily apply in our daily life are as follows:
- Have proper portions from all, vegetables, daals, Cereals, on your plate. This decreases the high energy-dense intake and makes a balanced diet.
- After serving place the excess food away from your dining table, do not eat more just to finish the stuff in bowl.
- While eating enjoy the food, avoid mobiles, TV or newspapers. Eat and relish every portion to the fullest to satisfy satiety.
- Eat slowly and chew properly, helps in breaking down the food and digestion too. This would limit your intake at cerebral levels, you would reach feeling of fullness earlier.
- Share desserts and sweets to avoid overeating
- Avoid snacking at odd hours if you need to take salads, apples/fruits/ almonds instead.
Before going out you can avoid overeating by taking a healthy snack like yoghurt, carrots, fruits. This helps in avoiding spicy oily and deep-fried food of restaurants. - Many times the food portion at Restaurants are double what a person requires or eat, take a container and get that packed as a takeaway.
- Consult a dietician / Doctor for your daily requirements, calorie intake, Do’s and Dont’s
The goal of a healthy lifestyle is impossible unless we also embrace physical activities, exercise, and having proper sleep.