World Hepatitis Day – Eliminate of Viral Hepatitis
By in Gastroenterology
Jul 18, 2017
“Getting Tested Earlier = Staying Healthier Longer.”
World Hepatitis Day is celebrated on 28th July every year, as this day brings the world together under an umbrella to raise the awareness for this global disease.
Hepatitis is one of the leading causes for death worldwide, accounting 1.34 million deaths every year that’s as many as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis or malaria. And with a recent research, it has proven that together hepatitis B and Hepatitis C cause almost 80% of liver cancer cases in the world in a year.
Anyone can be at the risk of hepatitis as it is a global epidemic disease. Hepatitis B and C can be transmitted through infectious blood or through contaminated needles or syringes (people who inject drugs) and through unsafe sex also. The disease can further pass on from infected mother to the new born also.
In acute hepatitis cases the symptoms may be as follow -yellow discoloration of eyes, vomiting, fever, pale stool, dark urine, etc. For these cases, supportive treatment is given. But in chronic cases anti removal drugs are given for maximum of 2 years, for the eradication of the hepatitis virus in the body.
On an average around 95% of people suffering from hepatitis, are not aware of their infection, because of lack of awareness and access of testing services in the countries across the globe.
For this day, World Health Organization (WHO) has introduced new strategies to counter down the impact of viral hepatitis. With the introduction of new strategies, there will be 30% reduction in the new cases of hepatitis B and C and 10% reduction in mortality rate by 2020.
In year 2016, WHO has released hepatitis guidelines which includes the testing strategies for hepatitis and will help countries to maximize hepatitis testing, treatment and care. The basic steps taken by WHO to eradicate hepatitis had mainly focused on the expansion of vaccination programmes for hepatitis B, which have prevented mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B, blood and surgical safety and increase access in the diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis B and C together followed by various talks on the elimination of hepatitis.
With the emergence of these strategies nearly 90% of population who are suffering from hepatitis C can be completely cured within the time frame of 3-6 months.
The day is always followed by a theme and this year the theme for the day is “ELIMINATE HEPATITIS” which provides an ideal opportunity for joining together and raising the profile of viral hepatitis among the public for better health conditions across the globe.
Metro Group of Hospitals is dedicated towards spreading awareness for timely diagnosis and cure of Hepatitis.